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Latest News
  • 21 June, 2023

    Pillars Leadership Program

    Students in Years 7 to 11 have been participating in the Pillars Leadership Program, which encompasses our Dominican values, fosters a culture of leadership, and provides students with a strong foundation on which to develop their leadership skills and strive for excellence in all they do. The program is designed to equip students with the confidence and skills to pursue formal and informal leader...

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  • 21 June, 2023

    Drama Australia Legend Nominee, Sandra Siapantas

    Congratulations to VCE Drama teacher, Sandra Siapantas who has been nominated for Drama Australia Legend status. As a member of the Drama teaching fraternity with over thirty years of experience, Sandra is a remarkable individual who has demonstrated commitment, perseverance, tenacity and creativity over the span of her teaching career.Sandra will be interviewed by Drama Victoria on Sunday, 16 J...

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  • 16 June, 2023

    Thank You!

    Thank you to everyone who supported our 2023 'Do More, Be More' Giving Day! We are thrilled to announce we raised $113,355 towards our Equity Scholarship Program. Your generosity will enable us to give the gift of a Siena education to needs-based students.

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  • 09 June, 2023

    Year 8 AFLW Clinic

    Our Year 8 Physical Education students recently participated in a football clinic with St Kilda Football Club AFLW players: Hannah Priest, Georgia Patrikios and Grace Kelly. During the session, our Year 8s had tremendous fun developing their football knowledge and skills, and thoroughly enjoyed mingling with the elite athletes and hearing about their AFLW experience. Thank you St Kilda Football C...

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  • 09 June, 2023

    Year 9 Dominican Day

    On Dominican Day, our Year 9s constructed a Vessel of Hope by tracing the silhouette of their hands and penning down their thoughts on 'What lifts them up' and 'What brings them down'. Students also reflected on how our words could impact others, be it written or spoken. Using written words, our Year 9s prepared commitment pledges on how they would like to create positive change for Reconciliati...

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  • 08 June, 2023

    Year 12 Art Students Visit 'Melbourne Now' Exhibition

    Our Year 12 Art students recently visited the 'Melbourne Now' exhibition at The Ian Potter Centre: National Gallery of Victoria. The exhibition showcased local contemporary artists and designers, therefore exposing our students to a wide range of modern ideas and issues. It was an eye opening experience viewing the myriad of art forms and having to apply personal, structural and cultural lenses ...

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