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Latest News
  • 16 November, 2022

    Blazing the Trail With Formula One

    Continuing from Semester 1, our Year 10 STEAM students designed, analysed, tested, made and raced a small-scale Formula One car as a team. The aim for this car is to encapsulate the respective team's creativity and identity. Although the car has to undergo testing, changes to the car should be motivated by team identity and creativity without impacting race time. As part of the project, each tea...

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  • 15 November, 2022

    Italian Pastry Chef, Pier Barel Visits Our Language Students

    Italian pastry chef, Pier Barel visited our Year 7 and 8 Italian class yesterday. Originally from Treviso (Veneto region in Northern Italy), Signor Barel spoke in Italian about growing up in Italy and his migration to Melbourne, Australia. A passionate pastry chef who takes pride in sharing the tastes of Italy, Signor Barel prepared a bountiful grazing table of regional Italian Christmas cakes f...

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  • 15 November, 2022

    SPA Raffle 2023: Early Bird Prize Winner Announced!

    Congratulations to Denise Birrell for winning 2023 SPA Digital Raffle Early Bird Prize! A reminder that this year the SPA Raffle is digital: click here to learn more and purchase tickets. The SPA Raffle will be drawn on Friday, 17 February 2023. Don’t miss out on your chance to win big! Since 1971, the Siena Parents’ Association (SPA) has been supporting students at Siena by bringing the parent...

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  • 14 November, 2022

    Year 10 Science Excursion to the Melbourne Museum

    Our Year 10 Science students recently visited the Melbourne Museum and immersed themselves into the world of triceratops. Students had a wonderful time learning about the herbivorous dinosaur that lived about sixty-eight million years ago during the prehistoric ages. They also collaborated to produce a sixty second short film explaining the origin of life using the artefacts featured in the variou...

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  • 11 November, 2022

    2022 Remembrance Day Service

    This morning on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we paused to remember all those who have died in armed conflicts.They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember them.Lest we forget.

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  • 11 November, 2022

    5-Star Innovative School Award Winner

    We are delighted to announce that we have been selected as one of The Educator's 5-Star Innovative Schools for 2022. This award recognises schools who have demonstrated innovation and creativity, driving the education industry forward. From teaching approaches to learning spaces and curriculum design, the Innovative Schools report recognises institutions that are shaping the educational landsca...

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