Term 2, Issue 02: Learning and Teaching | ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥


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Learning and Teaching

Assessment and Study Skills

We have commenced preparing our Unit 3/4 students for the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Thursday, 15 June by undergoing practice GATs from previous years and finetuning exam writing techniques.

Year 9 to 11 students have been focusing on study skills and exam preparation. All students participated in an Exam Preparation session this week. The presentation is available in the Examination tile on Siena Central. Subject specific revision guides are available on the Siena Central Course Pages. Students are also encouraged to access the study timetable proforma located within the tile and commence revision in the coming week.

Our Year 7 to 8 students participated in a Study Skills seminar on learning behaviours and study techniques. The presentations and booklets are also available via the Learning Behaviours tile on Siena Central.


Students are requested to arrive ten minutes before examinations commence. Between each examination, students are expected to remain at the College and complete self revision in the Private Study Room in the Learning Centre. They may leave after their last examination for the day. Full winter school uniform and the ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ school bags are required. No mobile phones, smart watches or other unauthorised digital devices are permitted at the examination venue.

Examinations will not be rescheduled if a student is absent. If they cannot attend an examination, please notify ÃÛèÖÖ±²¥ before 9.00am by emailing the Head of House to explain the absence.

Year 11 Accelerated students will be attending their Year 11 examinations instead of their Year 12 classes. If they do not have an exam, they should be attending their Year 12 Accelerated classes.

Key Dates

Friday, 9 June

Years 9 to 11: All classroom assessment completed

Tuesday, 13 June

Years 9 to 11: Revision commences

Thursday, 15 June

Years 9 to 11: All classroom assessment returned to students

Monday, 19 June

Years 9 to 11: Examinations commence

Friday, 23 June

  • Years 9 to 11 examinations conclude
  • All Unit 3 assessments completed
  • Years 7, 8 and 12 classes conclude
  • Last day of term for students

Student Reflections on Classroom Learning Indicators

Next week, all students commence their learning reflection across all subjects based on the Classroom Learning Indicators. Upon completion, parents and guardians will receive a notification link via email and may view the learning reflection responses.

Semester 1 Reports

The Semester Report provides feedback on the five specific Classroom Learning Indicators and includes all assessment task results. For Years 7 to 11, an overall percentage score will be provided, taking into consideration the individual weightings for each task. If a percentage score is not given, a letter grade is used, such as 'NS' (school sanctioned absence), 'NA' (no penalty, not assessed) or a score of zero. At Year 12, it will consist of 'S' (satisfactory) or 'N' (not satisfactory) for each assessment task. Semester Reports will not have teacher comments as feedback has been given throughout the semester and is targeted towards the assessment task. Due to Staff Week, Semester 1 Reports will be available on Friday, 21 July 2023.

Book today! Only one week until the Careers Showcase on Thursday, 1 June at 7.00pm.

Career Panels include:

  • Allied Health Panel A: Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Nursing
  • Allied Health Panel B: Dietetics, Podiatry, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy
  • Architecture, Project Management and Town Planning
  • Business
  • Law
  • Criminology (Emerging Industries) – including CyberSafety
  • Psychology
  • Marketing and Media
  • Medicine
  • Sports Management

Three panel sessions will take place during the evening, commencing at 7.10pm, 7.50pm and 8.30pm. The duration for each session is thirty minutes. Please ensure you select a Career Category for each session time and do not select the same Career Category in more than one session.

Also on Thursday, 1 June, a Tertiary Studies Expo will be held at 3.45pm to 6.00pm in the College Hall. Exhibitors include: all Victorian Universities, Private Colleges, Defence Force and GAP Year Program organisers.

Last Week of Term 2

Friday, 23 June is the last day of Term 2. Teaching staff will participate in Staff Week from Monday, 10 July, which will be dedicated to the marking of examinations, preparation of reports and professional learning. Term 3 commences on Monday, 17 July.

Donna Laughlin

Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
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